Luis A. Ramos, CWC

Chief Financial Officer, Principal

Mr. Ramos has over 45 years’ experience in the claims administration and managed care industry.  He possesses a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from the University of Puerto Rico.  He is a licensed all lines adjuster in the State of Florida.  He holds a Certified Workers’ Compensation designation (CWC) from the Florida Department of Insurance.

For over 10 years he managed the self insured-self administered workers compensation program for the Walt Disney World Company where he developed one of the best claims operations in the country.  He is the CFO and a principal of Global Transcom Services, which provides translation and transportation services nationwide.

Mr. Ramos was the chairperson of the Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation Employer Customer Council (1995) and Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation Administrative Customer Council (1996). He is a Founding Director of the Association of Workers’ Compensation Claims Professional and a Past Director of the Florida Association of Self Insurance.

He is a national speaker in a variety of workers’ compensation and industry related topics and a Certified Expert Witness in Orange County, Florida Circuit Court. He is considered an expert in workers’ compensation claims administration and is listed in the International Edition of Who’s Who of Professional Management.